World Indoor Archery Mail Match (WIAMM)

The IFAA World Indoor Archery Mail Match (WIAMM) is a worldwide archery competition open to all non-profesional archers, not just IFAA archers. Entry costs just AUD $15 per entry. The competition runs from January through to March, with results published by the end of April.


This worldwide Match is not limited to IFAA archers only, but is open to all non-professional archers!


Participants must register before the Round 1 cut-off date. No late entries will be accepted!

Participants may register more than one style.

For each additional style entered, an additional entry fee must be paid.

Entry Fees for WIAMM Registration Form must be e-mailed as an attachment to Grant Gammon, the Mail Match Score Recorder together with proof of payment of the entry fee.

No registration will be accepted without proof of payment.

The Registration Form is available for download at the bottom of this page.


The entry fee of Match Fees of AUD$15.00 per entry can be paid by Credit Card, Cheque or Bank Transfer (Electronic Fund Transfer)

Cheque or Bank Transfer payments must include additional funds to cover bank fees incurred by the IFAA for international currency conversion.

The Registration Form must be e-mailed as an attachment to Tim Stone, the IFAA Treasurer  together with the Credit Card Authorisation form or proof of payment for Cheques or Bank Transfers.

Credit Card

The Credit Card Authorisation form is available for download at the bottom of this page.


Tim Stone, IFAA Treasurer
14 Doon Street
Kallangur, QLD, 4503, Australia

Bank Transfer

Account Name: International Field Archery Association

Account number: 20059187
Branch code: 124076

Bank of Queensland Limited,
6/100 Skyring Terrace,
Newstead, QLD. 4006

GPO Box 898, Brisbane, QLD. 4001,Australia.

Send money to a bank account via Revolut using the bank transfer feature. 

Score Submission

WIAMM Opens 1-JanuaryRound 1Round 2Round 3
Score Submission date 31 January28 February      31 March        
Publishing of scores on IFAA website14 February14 March14 April

Participants have the choice of shooting the Mail Match as a competition event per Round or shooting multiple events and submitting their best score for each Round.
Participants can submit scores for all three rounds at once or as one score per round.
Multi-round sumbissions must be received by by the Round 1 cut-off date. The scores for future rounds will be held on file and published as per the results publication schedule.

The cut-off date for submitting score entry corrections is the 7th May.

All results submissions must be in Excel, using the Registration form to maintain participant entry formatting.


The results for each round will be published on the IFAA website approximately 2 weeks after the Score Submission cut-off date.

The final results will be published on the IFAA web site before the end of October. The final results will include any corrections provided by the cut-off date.

Click HERE here to view results


A participant who does not qualify for a Gold, Silver or Bronze insert will receive a Participation insert once they complete all three rounds.
Inserts will be sent to the postal address that is filled in on the registration form.
No inserts will be sent to participants who have not included their postal address.
Inserts will be issued after the final results have been published.


credit card authorisation